masak lomak cili api pun sodap niiii...=)

lobster,crab,squid n that kind of the specieses have hard isnt? or u guys called as 'kulit udang, kulit ketam' and so on. do u crush it or just put it aside of ur plate?look! there are something superb about the 'kulit'.....
that hard skin scientifically known as 'chitin', which a type polymer...polymer?yes, a repeated unit..macam glucose(sugar) dalam tumbuhan, it produce a repeated unit of glucose in chlorophyll during photosynthesis...ok,back to the chitin....bila sebut chitin, it must b hard..that why stem of the plant also consist of,kulit ketam n udang also hard....
now, just look at the above picture..a chitin molecule...perasan x ada huruf 'n' di luar bracket tu? 'n' means that the molecule is,bila berulang2 ia akan jd panjang..that stuff will build the hard skin crab....then, ada kumpulan berfungsi 'NH'....nampak x?tu namanya sejenis compund 'amino'....this 'NH' is alkaline, positively charge n smelly..sbb itu haiwan2 species ni berbau hanyir...
so, chemically, CH2=O that bound above the 'NH' can be removed..and thus will form 'chitosan'......this stuff always contained in healthy product, especially to lose weight...jd,compound kt atas akan bertukar jadi..mcm kt atas tuuuu...nampak x NH sudah jd NH2....kan?kan?kan?
so, when the hard chitin turn chitosan....this chitosan give us a marvellous chitosan ni mcm fiber dlm tumbuhan jgk..kebolehannya ialah menyerap lemak, kolesterol n heavy metal 6 till 10 times!!!!hebatkan...xpayah makan ubat kurus..imagine for everytime u eat KFC of McD..that full of fattttttt.....
however, kulit udang yg kita mkn tu still a chitin we have to process it in order to get in chitosan,NH dlm chitin sudah memadai untuk kita mengurangkan kndungn lemak2 dlm badan kita secara tidak langsung...
moral of the story, bila makan udang, squid...mkan la dengan kulit2nye skali..its good for our health..but we dont have big tooth to crush crab's skin...hehehe.......
kt cni ada 1 movie pendek tntng lobster vs fish...have fun!