Welcome to our blog and i hope all of you having a great time.... First of all, i have some questions to ask you. Do you like to learn biology subject???? What do you understand about Biology??? Well, most of students will say that biology is a difficult subject and required them to momorize a lot of things. It's that true??? Actually the answer is up to you like people said 'tepuk dada tanya diri'.
For me Biology is a fascinating subject. It is because learn this subject means we learning about life on Earth. Biology is the study of life, what life needs to survive, what makes life possible, how life evolves and changes, and how life forms interact with one another.
Studying for biology can seem overwhelming right? but it doesn't have to be. If you follow a few simple steps, studying for biology will be less stressful and more enjoyable. Here i compiled a list of several helpful biology study tips for biology students.
Tip 1
Always read the topic first before teacher start to teaching that topic. I know that you do not have enough time, but believe me, it makes an immense difference.
Tip 2
Biology, like most sciences, is hands-on. Most of us learn best when we are actively participating in a "topic." So make sure to pay attention in lab sessions and actually perform the experiments. Remember, you won't be graded on your lab partner's ability to perform an experiment, but your own.
Tip 3
After the teaching and learning Biology process ended, study again the topic so that you can know either you really understand the topic or not. Use the "lull" period between classes to immediately review the biology notes you have just taken.
Tip 4
This tip is very important......you must stay awake in class. I have observed too many people snoozing in the middle of class. Learning process is very important because teacher will gives a lot of information about the topic that the students should know. Osmosis process may work for water absorption, but it won't work when it comes time for biology exams.
Tip 5
Please do not cram! As a rule, you should start studying for biology exams a minimum of two weeks prior to the exam.
Tip 6
Find some useful resources to help you when you study after class. Always study in the group so that the study process will be more interesting.
I hope the tips can help you to study Biology more easily.......try your best!!!!!!!!
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